Systems and methods for leveraging text messages in a mobile-based crowdsourcing platform

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11632656
APP PUB NO 20220225062A1





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The present invention includes a system for providing a mobile-based crowdsourcing platform configured to provide an intuitive and semi-automated means of collecting and managing user-driven data by leveraging text messages. The crowdsourcing platform is configured to leverage a Short Message Service (SMS) communication system for generating and transmitting command text messages to mobile devices of users of the service. The command text messages essentially elicit or otherwise train/educate the user's mobile device to automatically transmit requested data back to the crowdsourcing platform, the requested data including the location or position of the user within a given environment.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Daoud, Abdullah Lynnfield, US 37 410
Graham, B Eric Wenham, US 37 415

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