Asset management method and apparatus, and electronic device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11468048
APP PUB NO 20210319012A1





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This specification describes techniques for managing assets in a blockchain. One example method includes receiving, from a target user recorded in a distributed database of the blockchain network, a user input including a request to generate an asset object in the blockchain network, the blockchain network including an account object and a contract object, determining, based on the user input, an asset type of the asset object, initiating, in the blockchain network, the contract object corresponding to generate the asset object based on the asset type, the asset object including a digital asset corresponding to a physical asset associated with the target user, assigning the asset object to a target object of the target user, and adding address information of the asset object to the target object.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Yan, Xuebing Hangzhou, CN 37 323

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