Extracting mentions of complex relation types from documents by using joint first and second RNN layers to determine sentence spans which correspond to relation mentions

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11755840
APP PUB NO 20220284192A1





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Extracting data from documents is challenging due to the variation in structure, content, styles across geographies and functional areas. Further complex relation types are characterized by one or more of N-ary entity mention arguments, cross sentence span of entity mentions for a relation mention, missing entity mention arguments and entity mention arguments being multi-valued. The present disclosure addresses these gaps in the art to extract entity mentions and relation mentions using a joint neural network model including two sequence labelling layers which are trained jointly. The mentions are extracted from documents to facilitate downstream processing. A first RNN layer creates sentence embeddings for each sentence in the document being processed and predicts entity mentions. A second RNN layer predicts labels for each sentence span corresponding to a relation type. Using predefined rules, entity mentions for each entity type are selected for extracting relation mentions from the identified sentence spans.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Palshikar, Girish Keshav Pune, IN 26 76
Pawar, Sachin Sharad Pune, IN 14 54
Ramrakhiyani, Nitin Pune, IN 1 0
Sinha, Banerjee Anindita Pune, IN 3 0
Srivastava, Rajiv Pune, IN 6 4
Thosar, Devavrat Shailesh Pune, IN 1 0

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