System and method for preparing a tax liability projection

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7925553
APP PUB NO 20070250418A1





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A system for tax planning with legislation conformance options comprises one more processors coupled to a memory. The memory stores instructions executable by the processors to implement a tax planner configured to receive data exported from a tax return preparation tool. The tax planner receives input indicating whether a tax projection to be prepared using the data is to include an impact of specified tax legislation. If the input indicates that the tax projection is to include the impact of the specified legislation, the tax planner is configured to include the impact of the specified legislation in the tax projection without requiring data to be re-exported from the tax return preparation tool. If the input indicates that the tax projection is to exclude the impact of the specified legislation, the tax planner is configured to prepare the tax projection without including the impact of the specified legislation.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Banks, David R Little Elm, US 9 174
Brady, Aaron H McKinney, US 1 124
Catrett, John P McKinney, US 1 124
Harvey, Jeffrey J Allen, US 1 124

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