Apparatus for interrupting electrical power between two conductors

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5864453





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A circuit interrupter provides a conducting path between two conductors and interrupts the conducting path in response to overcurrent conditions in the conductors. The interrupter includes a magnetic core around which the conductors are disposed. Each conductor is electrically coupled to an arc runner and a spanner is biased into contact with the arc runners to compete a conducting path between the conductors. A secondary response mechanism is provided adjacent to the core and includes arms extending around the core and a magnetic body. In response to overcurrent conditions of a first magnitude the body of the secondary response mechanism is attracted to the core causing the arms to displace the spanner out of contact with the arc runners. In response to overcurrent conditions of a second magnitude, such as due to direct short circuits, the spanner is repelled rapidly to a non-conducting position and the secondary response mechanism is attracted to the core to hold the spanner in the non-conducting position. The core shapes an electromagnetic field due to current in the conductors and the field causes extremely rapid expansion of arcs generated during movement of the spanner, resulting in very fast extinction of the arcs and a very brief turnoff time.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Annis, Jeffrey R Waukesha, WI 35 735
Benard, David J Newbury Park, CA 20 286
Boehmer, Ellen Thousand Oaks, CA 3 24
Hildebrandt, Gernot Simi Valley, CA 5 78
Kappel, Mark A Brookfield, WI 22 261
Wieloch, Christopher J Brookfield, WI 71 1161

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