Settle blow air baffle assembly

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8312742





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A baffle assembly for controlling settle blow air delivery to a blank mold of a glassware forming machine, includes a baffle head, a holder and an outer ring. The baffle head has an air impervious base, a conical outer surface and an annular face. The holder has an air passage that opens at a position outside of the baffle head base. The outer ring has a first portion that slidably surrounds the holder, a second portion that surrounds the baffle head and has a conical inner surface, and a third portion for selectively engaging the mold and having an inner diameter greater than the outer diameter of the baffle head base. The baffle assembly is adapted for displacement through an intermediate position in which the baffle head separates from the outer ring so that settle blow air flows between the outer ring and the baffle head, and into the mold.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Howse, Terence K G Toldeo, US 5 22
Leidy, D Wayne Perrysburg, US 45 202

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