Camera mount plate and module access slide for poles used for roadside electronic systems

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10851936





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A system comprises a pole, a conduit track, and a sliding assembly that slides along the conduit track. The pole is configured to support an optical system that includes a camera or antenna. The sliding assembly and conduit track are disposed within an interior of the pole. The sliding assembly supports electrical components used in operation of the optical system, such as power components, storage devices, and communication modules. Cables extend from the optical system, through the conduit track, and to the electrical components supported by the sliding assembly. An access opening along the pole provides an operator easy access to the electrical components. Moreover, all of the electrical components and cables are disposed within the pole and protected from outside elements. The system allows electronic systems power and optics to be deployed in a cost effective, efficient and secure manner in locations alongside roads and other access ways.

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Patent Owner(s)

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bronson, Glenn Joseph Chelmsford, US 6 10

Cited Art Landscape

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