Method and apparatus for treating digestible and odiferous waste

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7335332
APP PUB NO 20030198569A1





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A method is provided for minimizing the emissions of odorous gases and neutralizing volatile fatty acids generated by anaerobic decomposition of digestible and odiferous animal waste that includes the step of adding an alkaline solution to the digestible and odiferous animal waste to at least partially neutralize volatile fatty acids present in the digestible and odiferous animal waste and applying a layer of oil and activated carbon to the surface of the waste. A system for applying the above method includes means for applying the layer of oil and activated carbon to a surface of the waste; means for injecting the alkaline solution into the waste below the layer of oil and activated carbon; means for monitoring the pH level of the waste; and means for triggering the injection of additional alkaline solution when the pH level of the waste reaches a set point.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Rapp, Carrie L Athens, IL 2 3
Rapp, Gary L Athens, IL 14 164

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