Method for forming an organic light emitting diode device

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8440479
APP PUB NO 20100304513A1





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A method for sealing an organic light emitting diode (OLED) device is disclosed wherein the OLED device comprises a color filter. A color filter is deposited on a first glass plate or substrate and a glass-based frit is then deposited in a loop around the color filter, The deposited fit loop is then heated by electromagnetic energy to evaporate organic constituents and to sinter the fit in a pre-sintering step. An OLED device may then be assembled by positioning a second glass plate comprising an organic light emitting material deposited thereon in overlying registration with the first glass plate, with the color filer and the organic light emitting material positioned between the plates. The fit is then heated with a laser to form a hermetic seal between the first and second glass plates.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Nguyen, Kelvin Corning, US 40 638
Vaddi, Butchi R Painted Post, US 4 230
Zhang, Lu Painted Post, US 367 2560

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