User specific support in communications systems

Number of patents in Portfolio can not be more than 2000

United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7779067
APP PUB NO 20040169675A1





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In a multimedia call center (MMCC) operating through an operating system, a client-specific self-help wizard is provided for active clients and updated periodically with information related to client transaction history with the MMCC. A connected client is presented by the wizard with a selective media function through which the client may a select a media type for interaction and help, and the MMCC will then re-contact the client through the selected media. The client, for example, may select IP or COST telephony, and the MMCC will place a call to the client to a number or IP address listed for the client, and interactivity will then be through an interactive voice response unit. Help information specific to a client is updated in the client's wizard periodically according to ongoing transaction history with the MMCC. The wizard may also monitor client activity with the wizard and make reports available to various persons.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Beck, Christopher Clemmett Macleod Oceanside, US 23 3306
Berke, Jonathan Michael San Diego, US 20 3786
Johnstone, Joel A San Diego, US 20 3809
Knuff, Charles Dazler Carksbad, US 40 4757
Mitchell, Robin Marie Cardiff, US 20 3809
Powers, James Karl Carlsbad, US 33 5017
Sidell, Mark Franklin Chapel Hill, US 28 4771

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