Optical metrology in machine learning to characterize features

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11921433
APP PUB NO 20210035833A1





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A metrology system may include an optical metrology tool configured to produce an optical metrology output for one or more features on a processed substrate, and a metrology machine learning model that has been trained using a training set of (i) profiles, critical dimensions, and/or contours for a plurality of features, and (ii) optical metrology outputs for the plurality of features. The metrology machine learning model may be configured to: receive the optical metrology output from the optical metrology tool; and output the profile, critical dimension, and/or contour of the one or more features on the processed substrate.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Feng, Ye Portland, US 44 227
Sorkhabi, Osman Danville, US 4 17
Zhang, Yan Fremont, US 803 6571

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