Detection and correction of dropped write errors in a data storage system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7793168
APP PUB NO 20090055584A1





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Method, system and computer program product are provided for detecting and correcting dropped writes in a storage system. Data and a checksum are written to a storage device, such as a RAID array. The state of the data is classified as being in a “new data, unconfirmed” state. The state of written data is periodically checked, such as with a timer. If the data is in the “new data, unconfirmed” state, it is checked for a dropped write. If a dropped write has occurred, the state of the data is changed to a “single dropped write confirmed” state and the dropped write error is preferably corrected. If no dropped write is detected, the state is changed to a “confirmed good” state. If the data was updated through a read-modified-write prior to being checked for a dropped write event, its state is changed to an “unquantifiable” state.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hafner, James L San Jose, US 42 1477
Jones, Carl E Tucson, US 65 630
Kahler, David R Tucson, US 11 76
Kubo, Robert A Tucson, US 72 1758
Mannenbach, David F Tucson, US 18 330
Nielsen, Karl A Tucson, US 106 572
O'Conner, James A Ulster Park, US 3 25
Rao, Krishnakumar S Fremont, US 2 12

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