Dynamic stabilization assemblies, tool set and method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7862587





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A hinged bone screw and tool set is used for implanting such bone screws in a human spine, followed by the implantation of a longitudinal connecting member into the bone screws. The hinged bone screw includes a shank with an upper portion and a receiver with integral arms forming a U-shaped channel. A lower curved seat partially defining the U-shaped channel cooperates with an upper portion of the bone screw shank for hinged movement of the shank with respect to the receiver. The tool set includes an insertion tool, a bone screw driver, a reduction tool and a closure starter. The insertion tool includes a bone screw attachment structure and a laterally opening channel. The insertion tool further includes a threaded portion for cooperation with the reduction tool to provide synchronized placement of a closure structure in the bone screw receiver while reducing and capturing a longitudinal connecting member within the receiver. Further alternative bone screws are hinged, polyaxial or fixed and include lordosing or kyphosing lateral surfaces.

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Jackson, Roger P 4706 W. 86th St. 607 36205

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