Ski carrier

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5350096





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A ski carrying device enables a skier to carry his or her skis and ski poles on the skier's back thereby freeing the skier's hand. The ski carrying device includes an upper cover and a lower cover. The skier wraps the upper and lower covers around the toe bindings and the heel bindings of the skis, respectively, with the skis positioned in a bottom-to-bottom arrangement. Each cover includes a strap which the skier wraps around the ski poles to hold the ski poles against the skis. The carrying device further includes a pair of shoulder straps, each strap connected to and extended between the upper cover and the lower cover. The skier places the straps over his or her shoulders to support the skis on the skier's back. In this position, the skier easily carries the skies and poles without using his or her hands. Furthermore, the skis worn on the skier's back are less likely to strike other persons or objects. The skier can also quickly compact the ski carrying device into a carrying pouch which the skier can unobtrusively wear around his or her waste when skiing.

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Sieber, L Aryn Rowland Heights, CA 1 19

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