Method for manufacturing a semiconductor device having an interconnect structure over a substrate

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11658069
APP PUB NO 20210305094A1





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An embodiment is a method including forming a first interconnect structure over a first substrate, the first interconnect structure comprising dielectric layers and metallization patterns therein, patterning the first interconnect structure to form a first opening, coating the first opening with a barrier layer, etching a second opening through the barrier layer and the exposed portion of the first substrate, depositing a liner in the first opening and the second opening, filling the first opening and the second opening with a conductive material, and thinning the first substrate to expose a portion of the conductive material in the second opening, the conductive material extending through the first interconnect structure and the first substrate forming a through substrate via.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chen, Ming-Fa Taichung, TW 463 3590
Liu, Tzuan-Horng Longtan Township, TW 110 628
Shih, Chao-Wen Zhubei, TW 148 934

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