Recirculating pneumatic separator

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4701256





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A pneumatic separator for separating lighter particles from heavier stem particles and the like, as in tobacco threshing, including a separating chamber having air circulating in a generally upward path therethrough, an inlet rotary impeller mounted on one side of the separating chamber for thrusting particles to be separated into and across the chamber toward a generally upwardly extending opposite wall of the chamber, an inclined perforated plate member below the level of the impeller for directing larger particles discharged toward or falling onto the inclined plate member for collecting and carrying heavier particles from the chamber, and an air jet impeller located immediately above the inclined plate to discharge an air jet therefrom for directing material into a high arc trajectory into the chamber. An air diffusion granting assembly below the inclined perforated plate member receives air discharged from a fan and has a plurality of directional vanes for reducing air flow and velocity in selected portions of the separating chamber. Air discharge openings are located at a vertical position above the level of the impeller to provide air flow therethrough into the chamber in zones located above the height of such openings.

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Cross, Jr Wiley E Glen Allen, VA 7 52

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