Method, apparatus, and computer-readable storage medium for modulating an audio output of a microphone array

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11290814





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A method, apparatus, and computer-readable storage medium that modulate a composition of an audio output in accordance with a noise level of an environment. For instance, the present disclosure describes a method for modulating an audio output of a microphone array, comprising receiving two or more audio signals from two or more microphone capsules in the microphone array, each audio signal comprising an electrical noise of a corresponding microphone capsule and a response to acoustic stimuli in an environment perceived by the microphone capsule, estimating an acoustic contribution level of the environment based on the received audio signals, and determining, by processing circuitry, a composition of the audio output of the microphone array based on the estimated acoustic contribution level of the environment, the composition being based on at least a relationship between acoustic noise and directivity indices of each of a plurality of beamformers.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hook, Brandon Troy, US 7 15
Soberal, Daniel Troy, US 2 1

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Sep 29, 2025
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