Yoke apparatus

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4437709





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The present invention provides for a two piece, circular yoke apparatus which would be substantially U-shaped in cross section which is adapted to fit around the flange of a splined coupling to shift the coupling between the splined shafts of a hydro-brake and the draw works of an oil well drilling rig. Also provided would be a plurality of thrust bearings located on the inner side of the edges of the U of the body of the apparatus for engaging the splined coupling as the coupling rotates in its operation. The bearings would serve as a frictionless service for the rotation of the unit, and the edges of the U-body would be provided with channels for allowing a lubricant into the channel made by the edges and back wall of the U-body for maintaining the bearings lubricated during the process. Also provided is a yoke stand, for example a dowel pin type with a saddle type stand or on a screwed and dowel pin type.

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Linderman, Noel 227 S. Locust St., McComb, MS 39648 1 1

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