Gaming device with jackpot increments for non-triggering prize value symbols

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11727758





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A gaming device comprises a display, a processor, and a memory storing (a) a jackpot prize meter, (b) a current award value for awarding the jackpot prize, (c) reel strip data defining a set of reel strips, each reel of the set of reel strips comprising prize value symbols and non-prize value symbols and (d) instructions. When the instructions are executed by the processor, they cause the processor to select symbols from the set of reel strips for a plurality of symbol positions, control the display to display the selected symbols at their respective symbol positions, upon the displayed symbols including at least one but fewer than a threshold number of prize value symbols, increment the jackpot prize meter, and upon the value of the jackpot prize meter reaching the current award value, award the current award value.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Chan, Matthew East Killara, AU 77 198
Davis, Blake Macquarie Park, AU 17 37
Suslik, Igor St. Ives, AU 24 202

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