Method for reprocessing combustion products from fossil fuels

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7960441
APP PUB NO 20090307975A1





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The present invention relates to a method for reprocessing of the combustion products, carbon dioxide and water, to generate renewable synthetic fuels and motor fuels by means of electrical energy, involving, according to the invention, mixing hydrogen, produced from water, preferably water vapor, by electrolysis, and carbon dioxide up to a molar ratio of 1 to 3.5 to obtain a carbon dioxide-hydrogen mixture, pre-heating said mixture in a high temperature recuperator and then heating it to 800 to 5,000° C. in an electrically-heated device or an electrical plasma generator, utilizing the crude synthesis gas thus formed recuperatively to pre-heat the carbon dioxide-hydrogen mixture, then directly cooling while the reaction water separates, and feeding the carbon monoxide-carbon dioxide-hydrogen mixture existing at this stage to a Fischer-Tropsch or methanol synthesis and converting it therein to the products, hydrocarbons and/or methanol, which are cooled while the water separates, and are condensed if necessary.

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Wolf, Bodo Max Mindelheim, DE 2 37

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