Systems and methods for order analysis, enrichment, and execution

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7818246
APP PUB NO 20060259394A1





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A preferred embodiment of the invention provides an interface providing a model-driven projection of various order execution statistics based on the exact strategy (channel, algorithm, and parameters) that is selected by a user. In at least one embodiment, the interface is linked to at least order execution system and comprises an order execution display. In one embodiment, the invention comprises a computer system operable to display a graphical user interface comprising (a) a pre-trade analysis component for displaying market intelligence information regarding one or more specified securities; and (b) a strategy selection component for displaying order execution strategies for selection by a user and that comprises (i) an order execution component for routing a selected order execution strategy to an order execution system; (ii) an interface for enabling a user to specify trading strategies and strategy requirements; and (iii) a display for displaying projected order completion information.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bok, Tomas Somerville, US 11 415
Cushing, David Charles Lexington, US 5 194
Mancini, Mark Francis New York, US 2 138
Manwani, Amit New York, US 7 173

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