Fixed cutter drill bit with rotating cutter disc

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8881848





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A fixed cutter drill bit that includes one or more integrally-mounted rotating disc with cutters around the circumference of the disc. Each disc is mounted to bearings to handle the torque generated and the weight on bit required to cut the formation. The mounting angle of the disc generates a torque causing the disc to rotate. As the disc rotates, new cutters are presented to the formation. The discs may vary in size, mounting location and number so as to cover entire bladed or just a certain portions of blades. The exposure of the disc could also be set to enable it to rotate while under load, e.g., the cutters on the outside of the bit may contact the formation while the inner half of the disc is protected by a fixed blade.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Christenson, Kevin Millet, CA 1 34
Knull, Craig Edmonton, CA 4 61

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