Self-powered power bus sensor employing wireless communication

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7145322





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A sensor apparatus for a power bus including a current and a temperature includes a housing and one or more sensors. Each of the sensors is adapted to sense one of the current or the temperature of the power bus. A radio transceiver circuit is adapted to transmit a first wireless signal and to receive a second wireless signal. A processor is adapted to input the sensed current and the sensed temperature from the sensors and to output corresponding signals to the radio transceiver circuit in order to transmit the first wireless signal. A power supply is adapted to employ voltage produced by magnetically coupling the power bus to one or more coils, in order to power the sensors, the radio transceiver circuit and the processor from flux arising from current flowing in the power bus.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Engel, Joseph C Monroeville, PA 81 2775
Luebke, Charles J Sussex, WI 36 2195
Solveson, Mark G Oconomowoc, WI 10 307

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