Device and method for integrating scent into virtual reality environment

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11925857
APP PUB NO 20230166181A1





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A system and method for evaluating a fragrance product or object provided, wherein the system includes a virtual reality component configured to present a user with a product or object in a virtual reality environment; an optional biometric sensor component configured to obtain the user's biometric data; a wearable scent delivery component configured to deliver a scent to the user; and a digital controller component that synchronizes deliver of the scent with the user's interaction with the product or object in the virtual reality environment.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Damodaran, Lalit K Newark, US 3 1
Dumer, Aleksey I Elizabeth, US 3 1
Jain, Anshul East Brunswick, US 38 324
Tabert, Matthias Horst Arveme, US 5 20

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