E-vaping device cartridge with superabsorbent polymer

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11826675
APP PUB NO 20220258072A1





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A cartridge for an e-vaping device includes a reservoir configured to hold pre-vapor formulation, a vaporizer assembly configured to draw at least some of the pre-vapor formulation from the reservoir and vaporize the drawn pre-vapor formulation to form a vapor, and a superabsorbent polymer configured to absorb free water from pre-vapor formulation held in the reservoir. The superabsorbent polymer includes a cross-linked polyacrylate copolymer that is substantially inert to the pre-vapor formulation. The superabsorbent polymer may be included in a layer on one or more surfaces in the cartridge. The layer may include the superabsorbent polymer and a binder. The superabsorbent polymer may be included with the pre-vapor formulation in a formulation mixture. The superabsorbent polymer may be included in an interior of at least one element comprising the cartridge. The superabsorbent polymer may be included in a separate compartment in the reservoir.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Karles, Georgios Richmond, US 49 341
Sena, Erica Midlothian, US 5 38

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