Data uniqueness control and information storage

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11042528
APP PUB NO 20150347494A1





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Techniques for flexibly controlling data uniqueness which are applicable to different types of data that require different data uniqueness control. Control information mapped by a data storage space of a database is determined. The control information and data to be written into the data storage space is combined to obtain a combination result. The techniques of the present disclosure determine whether there is another combination result that is the same as the combination result. The techniques of the present disclosure, in response to determining that there is another combination result that is the same as the combination result, reject to write into the data storage space the data to be written into the data storage space of the database; or modify the another data in the database.

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Qian, Jianbo Hangzhou, CN 6 22

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Dec 22, 2024
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