Bulk acoustic wave resonator with increased dynamic range

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11860129
APP PUB NO 20220349858A1





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Devices that include a low sensitivity bulk acoustic wave (BAW) resonator sensor including a surface to which a low recognition component is immobilized, the low recognition component being configured to selectively bind the analyte, an analyte molecule to which a tag is linked, or a tag, or any one of these molecules to which an amplification element-linked second recognition component is bound; a high sensitivity BAW resonator sensor including a surface to which a high recognition component is immobilized, the high recognition component being configured to selectively bind the analyte, an analyte molecule to which a tag is linked, or a tag, or any one of these molecules to which an amplification element-linked second recognition component is bound; one or more containers housing an amplification molecule, the amplification element-linked second recognition component, and optionally one or both of the tag and the analyte molecule.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Harmon, Ian Robert Minneapolis, US 14 126
Webster, James Russell Minnetonka, US 32 667

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3.5 Year Payment $1600.00 $800.00 $400.00 Jul 2, 2027
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