Semiconductor chip with coil antenna and communication system

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7355270
APP PUB NO 20050173532A1





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The present invention intends to prevent the communication distance from becoming shorter with a reduction in size of a coil antenna to the chip size and with a consequent decrease of an induced voltage. According to the present invention there is provided a semiconductor chip having a coil antenna and a circuit surface and adapted to transmit and receive signals by radio to and from an external device. The semiconductor chip has a configuration for increasing an electromagnetic coupling coefficient between the coil antenna and the external device. According to a concrete example thereof, a magnetic material is disposed, the coil antenna is formed by a stacked structure comprising plural conductor layers and insulating layers superimposed one on another, or the coil antenna is disposed outside an external form of a circuit of the semiconductor chip.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Goto, Yasushi Tokyo, JP 66 1096
Hasebe, Takehiko Yokohama, JP 15 288
Torigoe, Makoto Yokohama, JP 83 1437
Uesaka, Kouichi Yokohama, JP 26 661
Yazawa, Yoshiaki Tokyo, JP 36 1699

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