Process for producing water-absorbing polymer particles

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 8828323
APP PUB NO 20130058837A1





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A process for producing water-absorbing polymer particles, wherein a polymer gel is removed from a polymerization reactor, stored intermediately as a particulate polymer gel in a delay vessel, removed by means of a first conveying device at the lower end of the delay vessel and dried, the intermediately stored particulate polymer gel being conveyed within the delay vessel by means of at least one second conveying device above the first conveying device in the direction of the first conveying device.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Becker, Ann Borsbeek, BE 3 2
Funk, Rüdiger Niedernhausen, DE 90 668
Van, Miert Leo Kapellen, BE 15 66
Weismantel, Matthias Jossgrund-Oberndorf, DE 134 2631

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