Auto-detection of application failures for forecasting network path performance

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11985069
APP PUB NO 20240039856A1





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In one embodiment, a device provides, to a user interface, a timeseries for display of a probability over time of a network path violating a service level agreement (SLA) associated with an online application. The device receives, from the user interface, a plurality of thresholds for the timeseries that define periods of time during which application experience of the online application is believed to be degraded. The device trains, based on the plurality of thresholds, a machine learning model to predict when the application experience of the online application will be degraded. The device causes a predictive routing engine to reroute traffic of the online application based on a prediction by the machine learning model that the application experience of the online application will be degraded.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kakko-Chiloff, Romain Paris, FR 2 0
Kolar, Vinay Kumar San Jose, US 111 380
Vasseur, Jean-Philippe Saint Martin d'Uriage, FR 781 21081
Yelahanka, Raghuprasad Mukund San Jose, US 14 20

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