Bone fracture reduction device and methods for using the same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 10675076
APP PUB NO 20180036056A1





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A device and method for treating bone fractures/lesions using an inflatable body is provided. The inflatable body includes a balloon having a substantially flat horizontal surface for quick easy insertion into bone beneath the fracture so as to align misaligned fragments of the fracture and/or to collapsed bone. The body has a shape and size to compress at least a portion of the cancellous bone to form a cavity in the cancellous bone and/or to restore the original position of the outer cortical bone, if fractured or collapsed. The inflatable body has a stylet attached to it's distal end so that once the inflatable body is deflated it can be twisted about the stylet to have a smaller profile so as to be easily withdrawn from the bone.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Auyoung, Bryan J Santa Clara, US 18 371
Jenkins, Todd W San Jose, US 5 93
Mafi, Masoumeh Mountain View, US 25 768
Sapida, Warren C Sunnyvale, US 10 86

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