Shower seat and basket combination

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6289529





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A shower seat and basket combination. The combination includes a basket which includes a horizontal bottom surface having four vertical sides forming an enclosure to hold shower supplies such as shampoo and soap. The basket also includes two overhanging edges located at a top portion of two opposing sides. The shower seat is a horizontally mounted flat surface mounted to a plurality of walls of the shower stall. On the underside of the shower seat is two railings running from a front portion of the seat to a back portion of the seat. The railings each include a lip to support each overhanging edge. The basket is positioned under the shower seat when not in use. When shower supplies are needed, the basket can be slid outwardly from the shower seat to access the interior of the basket. The basket may also include a plurality of perforations to allow water to drain from the basket. Additionally, a plurality of baskets may be stacked under the shower seat.

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Harvey, Brian 17490 Meandering Way #106, Dallas, TX 75252 8 53

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