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1/00 Processes for modifying genotypes (A01H 4/00 takes precedence)
1/02 Processes for modifying genotypes (A01H 4/00 takes precedence) Methods or apparatus for hybridisation; Artificial pollination
1/04 Processes for modifying genotypes (A01H 4/00 takes precedence) Processes of selection
1/06 Processes for modifying genotypes (A01H 4/00 takes precedence) Processes for producing mutations, e.g. treatment with chemicals or with radiation (specific mutations prepared by genetic engineering on plant cell or plant tissues C12N 15/00)
1/08 Processes for modifying genotypes (A01H 4/00 takes precedence) Processes for producing mutations, e.g. treatment with chemicals or with radiation (specific mutations prepared by genetic engineering on plant cell or plant tissues C12N 15/00) Methods or apparatus for producing changes in chromosome number
3/00 Processes for modifying phenotypes (A01H 4/00 takes precedence)
3/02 Processes for modifying phenotypes (A01H 4/00 takes precedence) by controlling duration, wavelength, intensity, or periodicity of illumination
3/04 Processes for modifying phenotypes (A01H 4/00 takes precedence) by treatment with chemicals
4/00 Plant reproduction by tissue culture techniques
5/00 Flowering plants, i.e. angiosperms
5/02 Flowering plants, i.e. angiosperms Flowers
5/04 Flowering plants, i.e. angiosperms Stems
5/06 Flowering plants, i.e. angiosperms Roots
5/08 Flowering plants, i.e. angiosperms Fruits
5/10 Flowering plants, i.e. angiosperms Seeds
5/12 Flowering plants, i.e. angiosperms Leaves
7/00 Gymnosperms, e.g. conifers
9/00 Pteridophytes, e.g. ferns, club-mosses, horse-tails
11/00 Bryophytes, e.g. mosses, liverworts
13/00 Algae (unicellular algae C12N 1/12)

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Recent Patents

Patent #TitleFiling DateIssue DatePatent Owner
PP36111 Apple tree named ‘J. Lincoln’Apr 04, 23Sep 17, 24Not available
PP36112 Peach tree named EveRes RubyJun 15, 23Sep 17, 24Clemson University Research Foundation
PP36113 Strawberry plant named ‘FPS-15.2016-31’Dec 20, 23Sep 17, 24Fragaria Plant Sciences, B.V.
PP36114 plant named ‘G2X88544VAR’Dec 15, 23Sep 17, 24Garden Genetics LLC
PP36115 plant named ‘MANZ0029’Jul 25, 23Sep 17, 24Syngenta Crop Protection AG
PP36116 plant named ‘MINPOROUG01’Dec 14, 23Sep 17, 24Hortival Diffusion SAS
PP36117 plant named ‘FARROWCJH’Dec 15, 23Sep 17, 24Spring Meadow Nursery Inc.
PP36118 plant named ‘Bailpantwo’Dec 04, 23Sep 17, 24Bailey Nurseries Inc.
PP36119 plant named ‘HIHALO59’Dec 09, 23Sep 17, 24HI BREEDING B.V.
PP36120 plant named ‘Josarama’Dec 02, 23Sep 17, 24Pieters Joseph + Luc B.V.B.A.
PP36121 plant named ‘Bonpr 974BK’Jan 22, 24Sep 17, 24BONZA BOTANICALS PTY. LTD.
PP36122 Poinsettia plant named ‘Rockefeller Red’Jan 23, 24Sep 17, 24LONG ISLAND BREEDING COMPANY
PP36123 plant named ‘Babble Beach’Dec 03, 23Sep 17, 24FLORICULTURA B.V.
PP36124 plant named ‘Cloud Busters’Dec 03, 23Sep 17, 24FLORICULTURA B.V.
PP36125 plant named ‘Dongipetresta’Dec 01, 23Sep 17, 24DUNNEB GROUP B.V.
PP36126 New guinea impatiens plant named ‘Dongirolcoa’Dec 01, 23Sep 17, 24Dummen Group B.V.
PP36127 plant named ‘Summer Storm’Sep 27, 23Sep 17, 24Not available
PP36128 plant named ‘Mukivy’Nov 06, 23Sep 17, 24Not available
PP36129 plant named ‘Balchaelink’Nov 21, 23Sep 17, 24Ball Flora Plant a division of Ball Horticultural Company
PP36130 plant named ‘HL 1014’Nov 22, 23Sep 17, 24Not available

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Recent Publications

Publication #TitleFiling DatePub DatePatent Owner
2024/0306,571 PRECISION METERING AND DELIVERY APPARATUS AND METHODMar 15, 24Sep 19, 24PowerPollen, Inc.
2024/0306,572 WEIGELA PLANT NAMED 'TMWG19-103'Mar 19, 23Sep 19, 24Branded Garden Products Ltd.
2024/0306,573 CELERY CULTIVAR TBG 54Mar 17, 23Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,574 LETTUCE VARIETY NUN 08239 LTLMar 08, 24Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,575 LETTUCE VARIETY NUN 08246 LTLMar 11, 24Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,576 LETTUCE VARIETY NUN 08249 LTLMar 11, 24Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,577 LETTUCE VARIETY NUN 08250 LTLMar 13, 24Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,578 WATERMELON VARIETY NUN 32126 WMWMar 13, 24Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,579 WATERMELON VARIETY NUN 32117 WMWMar 14, 24Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,580 WATERMELON VARIETY NUN 32132 WMWMar 14, 24Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,581 WATERMELON VARIETY NUN 22102 WMWMar 15, 24Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,582 WATERMELON VARIETY NUN 32137 WMWMar 15, 24Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,583 PEANUT VARIETY 'GEORGIA-SP/RKN'Mar 13, 23Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,584 Soybean Cultivar 3707436Mar 13, 23Sep 19, 24Benson Hill Seeds, Inc.
2024/0306,585 SOYBEAN CULTIVAR 3707260Mar 15, 23Sep 19, 24Benson Hill Seeds, Inc.
2024/0306,586 SOYBEAN CULTIVAR 3707271Mar 15, 23Sep 19, 24Benson Hill Seeds, Inc.
2024/0306,587 SOYBEAN VARIETYJan 04, 24Sep 19, 24Syngenta Crop Protection AG
2024/0306,588 SOYBEAN CULTIVAR 99250038Feb 15, 24Sep 19, 24Not available
2024/0306,589 PEPPER HYBRID SVPB6906 AND PARENTS THEREOFMar 14, 23Sep 19, 24Not available

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