Spectroscopy systems and methods using quantum cascade laser arrays with lenses

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 9255841





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A spectroscopy system includes an array of quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) that emits an array of non-coincident laser beams. A lens array coupled to the QCL array substantially collimates the laser beams, which propagate along parallel optical axes towards a sample. The beams remain substantially collimated over the lens array's working distance, but may diverge when propagating over longer distances. The collimated, parallel beams may be directed to/through the sample, which may be within a sample cell, flow cell, multipass spectroscopic absorption cell, or other suitable holder. Alternatively, the beams may be focused to a point on, near, or within the target using a telescope or other suitable optical element(s). When focused, however, the beams remain non-coincident; they simply intersect at the focal point. The target transmits, reflects, and/or scatters this incident light to a detector, which transduces the detected radiation into an electrical signal representative of the target's absorption or emission spectrum.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Diehl, Laurent Somerville, US 12 201
Pfluegl, Christian Medford, US 8 116
Witinski, Mark F Cambridge, US 3 42

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