Edge service deployment with network slice invocation

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11910221
APP PUB NO 20240056853A1





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Edge service deployment with network slice invocation is provided, which includes obtaining one or more service-related parameters for network slice invocation to support an edge service instance, and requesting a network slice from a network based on the obtained one or more service-related parameters. The requesting from the network is via a collaboration platform. Further, the edge service deployment and network slice invocation includes receiving from the network, based on requesting of the network slice, network slice invocation codes, and initiating activating of the edge service instance over the network slice of the network using the network slice invocation codes.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bajaj, Deepak Jaipur, IN 15 1
Bharti, Harish Pune, IN 118 417
Saxena, Rajesh Kumar Thane East, IN 51 57
Sukhija, Sandeep Rajasthan, IN 61 227

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