Graphics controller utilizing video memory to provide macro command capability and enhanched command buffering

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 5796413





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An apparatus and method are disclosed for buffering graphics commands in a video graphics system, and for implementing graphics macro commands. The invention makes use of off-screen portions of video memory to create a dynamic command FIFO for commands, and to store command sequences for later or repeated use ('macros'). A command FIFO controller is provided, along with an on-chip bus FIFO and an on-chip command buffer (which is also a FIFO). Several multiplexers are also provided, so as to enable the command FIFO controller to create several different paths for commands coming into the graphics controller. Incoming commands may be routed to the command execution circuitry in several different ways: through the bus FIFO and command buffer to the command execution circuitry, directly to the command execution circuitry by bypassing the bus FIFO and command buffer, or from the bus FIFO into video memory to be stored in a dynamic command FIFO and later retrieved and sent into the command buffer. The command FIFO controller is also provided with macro address generation logic for providing read pointers to macros stored in video memory, read and write address generation logic for accessing the dynamic command FIFO stored in video memory, status generation logic for use in controlling the dynamic command FIFO, and busy status logic for use in software synchronization

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Harkin, Patrick Allen Austin, TX 1 170
Hecht, Stuart Houston, TX 2 172
Shipp, Ronald Anthony Houston, TX 1 170

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