Computing system for entity disambiguation and not-in-list entity detection in a knowledge graph

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11775758
APP PUB NO 20230004716A1





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A computing system obtains computer-readable text comprising an identifier for an entity and an additional word. The computing system computes relevance scores for entries for entities in a computer-implemented knowledge graph upon the text, titles for the entities in the knowledge graph, and descriptions of the entities in the knowledge graph. The computing system determines whether the identifier for the entity is an acronym or a non-acronym. The computing system identifies an entry for the entity in the knowledge graph based upon the relevance scores and whether the identifier for the entity is an acronym or a non-acronym. The computing system generates a link between the identifier for the entity in the text and the entry for the entity in the knowledge graph, where data from the entry for the entity in the knowledge graph is presented to a user upon the link being selected.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
He, Yujie Bothell, US 9 15
Li, Xiao Stamford, US 288 3842
Xu, Wenjin Bothell, US 5 7

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