Motion model refinement based on contact analysis and optimization

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11721056





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In some embodiments, a model training system obtains a set of animation models. For each of the animation models, the model training system renders the animation model to generate a sequence of video frames containing a character using a set of rendering parameters and extracts joint points of the character from each frame of the sequence of video frames. The model training system further determines, for each frame of the sequence of video frames, whether a subset of the joint points are in contact with a ground plane in a three-dimensional space and generates contact labels for the subset of the joint points. The model training system trains a contact estimation model using training data containing the joint points extracted from the sequences of video frames and the generated contact labels. The contact estimation model can be used to refine a motion model for a character.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Hertzmann, Aaron San Francisco, US 21 248
Rempe, Davis Menlo Park, US 3 2
Russell, Bryan San Francisco, US 20 143
Yang, Jimei Mountain View, US 61 732

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