Vehicular exterior mirror system with light module

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11970115
APP PUB NO 20230202393A1





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A vehicular lighted exterior rearview mirror system includes a lighted exterior rearview mirror assembly and a light module. With the mirror assembly attached at a side of a vehicle, the light module is at least in part disposed at a portion of the mirror head of the lighted exterior rearview mirror assembly that faces in a direction of forward travel of the vehicle. The light module includes a two dimensional array of illumination sources that has at least two rows of illumination sources, each row of illumination sources having a plurality of illumination sources. With the mirror assembly attached at the vehicle, the two dimensional array of illumination sources, when electrically powered, emits light at least in the direction of forward travel of the vehicle. The illumination sources of the two dimensional array of illumination sources are controlled responsive to a turn signal of the vehicle being actuated.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Foote, Keith D Caledonia, US 113 3657
Huizen, Gregory A Hudsonville, US 65 484

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