Targeted cytotoxic ratjadone derivatives and conjugates thereof

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United States of America

PATENT NO 11236059
APP PUB NO 20200239426A1





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The present invention is directed to novel natural product-derived ratjadone-based compounds useful as payloads (or toxins) in drug-conjugates constructs with cell target binding moieties (CTBM) and payload-linker compounds useful in connection with drug conjugates. The present invention further relates to new ratjadone compositions including the aforementioned payloads, payload-linkers and drug conjugates, and methods for using these payloads, payload-linkers and drug conjugates, to treat pathological conditions including cancer, inflammatory and infectious diseases.

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Patent Owner(s)


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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Broenstrup, Mark Braunschweig, DE 15 40
Collisi, Wera Peine, DE 1 0
Fetz, Verena Berlin, DE 2 0
Huettel, Stephan Braunschweig, DE 2 0
Klahn, Philipp Braunschweig, DE 1 0
Mohr, Katrin I Braunschweig, DE 1 0
Tegge, Werner Braunschweig, DE 5 1

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