Ammonia-based hydrogen generation apparatus and method for using same

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7875089
APP PUB NO 20040154223A1





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A hydrogen generation apparatus employs a thermocatalytic reactor (60) formed of a top plate (62), a bottom plate (66), and a reactor core (64) disposed between the top an bottom plates. The reactor core has a reaction surface (64a) and a combustion surface (64b), each surface having a raised periphery defining opposing ends (61a and 61b) and opposing sides (63a and 63b). The reaction surface (64a) and the top plate (62) together define a reaction chamber and the combustion surface (64b) and the bottom plate (66) together define a combustion chamber. The reaction core (64) has a first set of a plurality of spaced apart, substantially straight radiating fins (76a) extending from the reaction surface (64a) and a second set of a plurality of spaced part, substantially straight radiating fins (76b) extending from the combustion surface (64b). The first set of fins (76a) defining a plurality of reaction channels (71), while the second set of fins (76b) defines a plurality of combustion channels (69) running parallel to the opposing sides (63a and 63b) and is spaced apart from the opposing ends (61a and 61b).

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Call, Charles J Albuquerque, US 44 2134
Powell, Michael Roy Kennewick, US 5 185

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