Image capturing apparatus, method of controlling the same, and storage medium for controlling exposure

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11503216
APP PUB NO 20200336643A1





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An image capturing apparatus, comprises an instructing unit capable of issuing an instruction for an image capture preparation operation and an instruction for an image capture operation, a metering unit configured to meter brightness of a subject, a calculating unit configured to calculate values of exposure parameters based on a metering result, an acquiring unit configured to acquire information related to an image capture lens; and a controlling unit configured to, when image capture is performed with light emitted by a light emitter, control the calculating unit so as to make different a calculation method for the values of the exposure parameters at the time of issuance of the instruction for the image capture preparation operation based on the information related to the image capture lens.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Kageyama, Takashi Yokosuka, JP 29 124
Saegusa, Hiroki Kawasaki, JP 2 0

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