High-pressure discharge lamp having electrically conductive transparent coating

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7705540
APP PUB NO 20060049764A1





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The invention relates to a high-pressure discharge lamp having a transparent discharge vessel, an ionizable filling which is arranged in the discharge space of the discharge vessel and electrodes, which extend into the discharge space of the discharge vessel, for the purpose of producing a gas discharge, as well as power supply lines, which are passed out of the discharge vessel, for the purpose of supplying energy to the electrodes, the discharge vessel of the high-pressure discharge lamp being provided partially with an electrically conductive coating, with the result that a capacitive coupling is produced between the coating and at least one electrode and/or power supply line. As a result, the starting properties and the luminous efficiency of the lamp are improved.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Bönigk, Michael Berlin, DE 2 4
Bedynek, Florian Berlin, DE 4 9
Grundmann, Dirk Berlin, DE 7 31
Reiners, Thomas Bachhagel, DE 29 450
Schimke, Conrad Berlin, DE 5 28

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