Servo controlled vehicle suspension

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 4273317





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A servo controlled vehicle suspension which will reduce the dynamic forces imparted to the relatively high inertia structure when the relatively low inertia structure moves, as for example when the wheel of a motor vehicle encounters a bump or dip in a road. The suspension includes resilient sensing device, a pump and a valve, the valve being controlled by the sensing device to deliver oil from the pump to a chamber which expands as the low inertia structure (the wheel) moves downwardly when a dip is encountered, the valve however being controlled to open a drain port to allow oil contained in the chamber to discharge to drain with relatively little resistance when the low inertia structure encounters a bump, the arrangement being such as to reduce the variation in force between the structures. Thus, oil flow from the chamber allows upward movement of the vehicle wheel to allow it to ride easily over a short duration bump with negligible increase in resistance, but oil flow into the chamber tends to resist the chassis from dropping with the wheel and in effect drives the wheel downwardly when the wheel encounters a dip in the road surface.

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Blee, Leonard J 66 Leslie Ave.,, Blair Athol, South Australia, AU 4 49

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