Method and device for pulse shaping QPSK signals

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 7346125
APP PUB NO 20050238117A1





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A baseband shaping device includes a plurality of coefficient memories, each memory having an input address bus, a multiplexor input and a coefficient value output. The device further includes a plurality shift registers, each having an input coupled to a respective one of the coefficient value outputs, a digital to analog clock input and an output. The device further includes a plurality of negative value circuits, each circuit having an input coupled to a respective one of the first shift register outputs and an output, a plurality of multiplexors, each having a first input coupled to a respective one of the first shift register outputs and a second input coupled to a respective one of the output of the plurality of negative value circuits. The device further includes a plurality of second shift registers, and an adder having a plurality of inputs coupled to the plurality of second shift registers.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Brodsky, Wesley G Medford, MA 2 31
Washakowski, Steven Franklin, MA 2 18

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