UART interface circuit and UART data capturing method

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11816060
APP PUB NO 20220318182A1





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An UART interface circuit is provided in the invention. The UART interface circuit is configured in an electronic device. The UART interface circuit includes a baud-rate generating circuit, a control circuit, and a receiving circuit. The baud-rate generating circuit is configured to generate a baud rate and a start-bit cycle. The control circuit obtains the wakeup stable time from the wakeup time circuit of the electronic device and obtains the start-bit cycle from the baud-rate generating circuit. The receiving circuit is configured to capture data from the start bit or the first data bit of UART data. When the electronic device is woken up by the UART data, the control circuit compares the start-bit cycle with the wakeup stable time to direct the receiving circuit to start capturing data from the start bit or the first data bit of the UART data.

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Chang, Chih-Chiang Kaohsiung, TW 239 1392

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