Methods for fabricating transparent icephobic coatings, and transparent icephobic coatings obtained therefrom

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11247228
APP PUB NO 20190176188A1





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Some variations provide a method of forming a transparent icephobic coating, comprising: obtaining a hardenable precursor comprising a first component and a plurality of inclusions containing a second component, wherein one of the first component or the second component is a low-surface-energy polymer, and the other is a hygroscopic material; applying mechanical shear and/or sonication to the hardenable precursor; disposing the hardenable precursor onto a substrate; and curing the hardenable precursor to form a transparent icephobic coating. The coating contains a hardened continuous matrix containing regions of the first component separated from regions of the second component on an average length scale of phase inhomogeneity from 10 nanometers to 10 microns, such as less than 1 micron, or less than 100 nanometers. The transparent icephobic coating may be characterized by a light transmittance of at least 50% at wavelengths from 400 nm to 800 nm, through a 100-micron coating.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Gross, Adam F Santa Monica, US 146 726
Nowak, Andrew P Los Angeles, US 111 382
Rodriguez, April R Santa Monica, US 48 101

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