Proxyless network address translation with dynamic port allocation

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11799822
APP PUB NO 20230239266A1





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Aspects of the disclosure provide for a proxyless NAT infrastructure with dynamic port allocation. A proxyless NAT infrastructure is configured to perform NAT between a network of virtual machines (VMs) and a device external to the network, without a device, such as a NAT server or a router, acting as a proxy. A system can include a control plane for provisioning VMs of a network, including configuring each VM to perform NAT and initially assigning a number of ports for communicating with other devices. The control plane maintains a feedback loop-receiving data characterizing port usage and network traffic at ports allocated to the various VMs and scaling the port allocation for each VM based on the received data. The control plane can allocate additional ports as determined to be needed by a VM, and later retrieve the ports to be reused for other VMs.

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Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Adhav, Gargi San Jose, US 18 19
Arora, Aakash Bhushan Newark, US 1 0
Ben-Shimon, Salomon Sonny Tel-Aviv, IL 2 0
Gupta, Mukta Santa Clara, US 2 0
Jiang, Yuquan San Jose, US 9 133
Kumar, Alok Fremont, US 110 2447
Leogrande, Marco Redwood City, US 2 14
Sankaranathan, Shijeesh Nharappadath Sunnyvale, US 1 0

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7.5 Year Payment $3600.00 $1800.00 $900.00 Apr 24, 2031
11.5 Year Payment $7400.00 $3700.00 $1850.00 Apr 24, 2035
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