Divisible transport box

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 6481618
APP PUB NO 20020040924A1





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A transport box (1) formed from a blank of cardboard, corrugated board or like material, having a bottom section (2) with end flaps (3), atop section (4) with end flaps (5), and longitudinal side walls (6) with end flaps (7, 8), the end flaps forming at least part of an end wall. Each side wall has an upper part (6') with an end flap (7) at each end, and a lower part (6') with an end flap (8) at each end, the upper part (6') being connected to the lower part (6') via two folded-in edges (9, 10) which are parallel to the bottom section and form a fold. The edges are delimited by parallel fold lines (11, 12, 13), of which a first fold line (11) is situated between the first folded-in edge (9) and the upper part (6'), a second fold line (12) is situated between the second folded-in edge (10) and the lower part (6'), and a third fold line (13) is situated between the two edges (9, 10). The end flaps (7) on the upper part (6') of the side wall are connected to the end flaps (5) of the top section, and the end flaps (8) on the lower part (6') of the side wall are connected to the end flaps (3) of the bottom section.

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Persson, Hangkan Goteborg, SE 12 350

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