Privacy preserving application and device error detection

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United States of America Patent

PATENT NO 11928237
APP PUB NO 20210334404A1





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Methods, systems, and apparatus, including computer programs encoded on a computer storage medium, for detecting errors in a client device and its associated applications while preserving the privacy of the user of the device. Methods can include obtaining and blinding contextual application data for an application on a device. Data regarding the application's digital certificate and device trustworthiness data are obtained and provided to a trust assessment server along with the blinded data. This server can provide indications that the device is trustworthy and the application is authentic, and can digitally sign the blinded data. The digital signature can be validated and the unblinded contextual application data can be obtained. If the unblinded data matches the contextual application data, the application can provide the digital signature, the indications, and the unblinded contextual application data to an error detection server, which in turn can indicate the application does not have errors.

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Patent Owner(s)


International Classification(s)


Inventor Name Address # of filed Patents Total Citations
Turner, David Bruce Newark, US 7 1
Wang, Gang Jersey City, US 1240 7859
Yung, Marcel M Moti New York, US 46 276

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